Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tips Agar Komputer Aman dari Virus

Virus adalah  suatu program jahat yang dapat merusak komputer atau mengganggu penggunanya. Virus bisa datang dari mana saja, seperti di Internet, program, ataupun dokumen. Jika anda tidak ingun komputer anda terkena virus, berikut tipsnya.
  1. Instal antivirus luar seperti Avira, Avast, MSE atau ESET. Hal ini adalah yang terpenting agar komputer tidak terkena virus.
  2. Selalu cek update antivirus anda setiap hari, dengan begini antivirus akan bisa mendeteksi varian virus baru.
  3. Hindari mendownload program ilegal/crack/keygen, karena kebanyakan program ilegal ini bervirus.
  4. Hindari membuka file-file dan website yang mencurigakan, karena mungkin itu adalah virus atau bervirus
Demikian tips dari saya, Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How to prevent your YouTube account from termination

Have many subscribers, videos, likes, views or friends? Don't want to lose your account because of termination? Scared of copyright strikes, community guidelines strikes or even account termination? Here are some tips for you.
  1. Don't upload videos containing copyrighted materials. These videos are very easy to get flagged for copyright infringement. Using the "No copyright infringement intended" or copyright disclaimers won't help unless you get permission from the author.
  2. Don't upload videos containing many swear words. These videos can easily get flagged by the YouTube community and you can get a strike.
  3. Don't upload videos containing: racism, pornography, hate speech, accidents, dead bodies, violences, animal abuse, drug abuse, bomb making or blood.
Good luck!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to enable YouTube account features when you got video strike

Got copyright strikes? Or community guidelines strikes? Tired of those strikes haunting you? Here is the solution for you!
I found out that you can enable YT account features when you got video strikes, but with creating new account.
  1. Sign out from your Gmail and YouTube.
  2. Create a new Gmail account
  3. Once done, create a new YouTube account
  4. Follow the steps to setup your YouTube account and done!
  1. Your videos on your current channel won't be moved to your new channel.
  2. If you check out YouTube Account Features page, you'll see that everything is in good state, meaning that it is strike-free
  3. Your strike on your  current channel won't be removed, as this is only to evade the strike by moving to  a new account.
  4. Use the new account until your strike gone in 6 months.
  5. Please do not upload the videos that got strike, because if you do that, the new account will get strike too!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Download Torrent Files Without Client

Here's how to download torrent without client. If you got annoyed of that "Possibly insufficient sources" alert and want to download torrents directly without any warnings, here's the steps
  1. Download (save) the torrent file you want to download.
  2. Go to
  3. Upload your torrent file, then click on Go.
  4. Click Free.
  5. Wait until a message "Caching completed" appears, then click on Download
  6. Click Free.
  7. Now, download your file.
 Note: If you download torrents using this method, you can't resume your download and the download speed will be very slow. Also you can't download files larger than 1 GB. If you want, then upgrade to Pro.

Monday, November 11, 2013

A lot of people hates the new YouTube commenting system

On September, Google has changed the commenting system, and people hates them because of the bad design including me.

The reason of this revamp is probably because many hateful speeches in comments and more spammers are spamming the entire YouTube network.

Many people commented on the video about the new commenting with hate speeches, angers and ASCII drawings of phallus, swastikas and more.

We hope this commenting system lasts only this month because of this.