Friday, November 7, 2014

Lembaga Sensor Indonesia memang sangat lebay

Ane sudah MUAK sekali dengan LSF dan KPI... Makin hari film tuh makin gak seru gara-gara sensor berlebihan. Contohnya aja aksi tembak-menembak, sebelum sensor menjadi lebay film action seru banget, tapi sekarang sudah berubah, biasanya kalau tembak-menembak pasti aja di slow-mo (dilambatin) atau diloncat. Gak seru lagi, kan?

Emang, sensor film itu perlu soalnya kan yg nonton bukan cuma orang dewasa, tapi anak-anak juga ada. Tapi kan kalau caranya begini, film serasa nggak asik lagi ditonton, kebanyakan adegan yang seharusnya membuat film jadi seru sekarang sudah hilang bagaikan makanan tanpa bumbu.

Ya, kalau misalkan sensor kata-kata kasar atau aurat sih boleh aja, tapi kan jangan sampai terlalu lebay juga kali, seperti rokok, darah, orang mati, dll. Contohnya saja ane kemarin nonton film Case 39 di Trans TV, benar-benar keliatan jelas sensornya seperti ketika ada orang yang mati karena ketakutan lebah lalu akhirnya ia kejedot toilet sampai dia mati (berdarah), langsung di-fade (semacam diloncat) dan ketika orang mati tertembak senjatanya sendiri karena dia takut serigala, langsung diloncat.

Beberapa contoh yang lain seperti di film Hellboy, waktu di bagian pertamanya ada orang ditembak langsung dilambatin (slow-mo), terus pas ada adegan orang yang ditusuk sampai dia mati langsung diloncat dan suaranya dihilangkan. Waduh, sudah lebay level maksimal nih sensornya...

Memang ada sih cara lain untuk menonton film tanpa sensor lebay, yaitu menonton film bajakan, tapi kualitas videonya itu tuh yang jadi masalah. Kalau nggak ada film yang kita inginkan, download dari internet (yang kualitasnya juga HD), tapi bisa menyedot kuota yang sangat banyak dan memakan waktu cukup lama, tergantung kecepatan internet.

Semoga aja sih, tim sensor Indonesia lebih baik dalam menerapkan sensor film. Jangan sampai film itu gak asik lagi ditonton. Kan kasihan penontonnya kan?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cara buka situs yang diblokir oleh provider

Kalo agan ketemu pesan yang satu ini, pasti benci kan? Bagaimana tidak, agan mau ngakses suatu situs seperti download torrent, manga, dll tapi hasilnya diblok. Contoh: (sama sekali bukan situs NSFW, cuma situs upload gambar) dkk. (Situs manga, alasannya diblokir adalah melanggar hak cipta) (Situs torrent, alasannya diblokir karena bila dilihat ada tombol "search p*rn" diatasnya.)
Nah, untuk mem-bypassnya bagaimana? 
  1. Download Psiphon disini. (Klik tulisan Psiphon for Windows, tapi kalau agan online di android klik "Psiphon for Android in the Google Play Store")
  2. Buka aplikasinya. Kalau di andriod mungkin akan muncul pesan, centang kotak "saya percaya aplikasi ini" atau "i trust this application" atau semacamnya. lalu klik OK
  3. Tunggu beberapa detik. Kalau websitenya bisa diakses berarti work, kalau tidak, mungkin prosesnya belum beres tuh di psiphonnya. refresh aja websitenya sampai bisa diakses.
-Psiphon membuat koneksi menjadi lambat, jadi sabar aja kalau gitu.
-Kalau terus diaktifin, Psiphon akan menyedot kuota. Jadi kalau gak diperlukan lagi, mending ditutup aja. (Di android harus balik ke aplikasi psiphon terus teken tombol stop.)
Semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Yahoo Answers spammed with fake softwares?

I often see people posting answers about "reset password pro" or "pc health boost" in Yahoo Answers. Those softwares are FAKE and should NEVER be bought. These guys are probably also the guy that made rogue AVs and ransomwares. Here are some examples:

"Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. The only way to reset your windows password 100% safe is to use a software called Reset Password Pro. 

The software allows you to create a boot-disk, that can be made on a CD/DVD or USB stick. The boot-disk can then be inserted into any locked machine, and it's a simple case of pressing reset. Here is their official site: http://www.reset*******"

"Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. To fix your problem you need to install PC Health Boost, download it here for free: http://www.pc***** 

It's very light and it's the only antivirus/cleaner with a 99.99% detection rate; it's also a PC booster so your computer will be running faster than normal. Install it, hit run and problem solved. It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes."

You can see that the answers are ALWAYS started with "Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers" so it is most likely they are using spambots to distribute their spammy answers.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to disable ads on uTorrent.

The uTorrent is one of the most popular BitTorrent clients so far. Unfortunately since the latest version you're no longer be able to disable the ads, which I found really annoying because it usually display things that are inappropriate. But luckily you can now disable those ads.

To do this:
1. Open Notepad (Click Start>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad, right-click and select "Run as Administrator". Click Yes if a message pops up.

2. Press "Ctrl+O" or File>Open
3. Type "c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" (w/o quotes) in the File name box
4. Copy-paste this on the bottom of the hosts file: "", then click File>Save and done.

Now you should see that the ads have been disappeared, only the Upgrade to uTorrent Plus box on the bottom-right corner, it shouldn't really bother you.